Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ten Tips to increase the fuel efficiency of your car

Here are ten tips summarized from for increasing the fuel efficiency of your car. Some of them may be applicable only to U.S. conditions but i think it can be largely practiced by everyone.
  • Maintain your car regularly as per the schedule given by the automaker.
  • Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated.
  • Dont overload the vehicle.
  • Drive less aggressively. Avoid braking hard and accelerating in a rush. From the article "On the highway, the DOE says that every 5 mph you drive over 65 mph represents a 7-percent decrease in fuel economy."
  • Use the highest gear possible.
  • Use cruise control whenever possible.
  • Keep your car clean and waxed. It helps improve the aerodynamics of the car.
  • Dont idle.
  • On the freeways, keep the car windows up as it increases drag on the vehicle and increasing fuel consumption.
  • Avoid starting the engine from cold many times in a day. This means that try to combine your short trips into a long one. A cold engine requires more fuel to get going.


The Shaolin said...

tip #11: idle your car for a minute if it's being sitting shut off for more than a couple of hours. And avoid accelerating during idling.
(this helps lubricate the internals of your engine before you take her for a rather torturous ride downtown!)

tip #12: If you have a manual transmission, avoid using clutch as much as possible. Use it only when extremely necessary, which takes a little practice to learn and get used to.

Sagar Bhanagay said...

tip#13 - Before filling, "Zero" pe dhyaan dena. Applicable only for India ;)